Sunday, October 26, 2008

I think we need to have a talk.

...and I've been putting it off for a long time because, well, I just didn't know how you were going to take it. I don't like to make waves, rock the boat, whatever, but we just can't go on like this.

Being a Republican makes you a bad person. I'm sorry it's come to this but I just don't know what else to say or how else to say it. I have serious concerns about your ability to empathize, your understanding of the fundamental institutions of our political system and your pathalogical maintenence of superstitious ritual and supernatural mythologies. The ease with which you encourage amoral familism, historical amnesia and the constant redefinition of Republicanism in support of your profoundly egocentric worldview is trending rapidly toward a sociopathy that would require any alien anthropologist to conclude there are no standards by which you could be judged "a good person".

Now, let me throw you a bit of a lifeline. Being conservative does not make you a bad person. Being conservative may mean that you're wrong. Being conservative may mean that your personality developed in an environment which promoted a belief system which, though no fault of your own, encouraged suspicion of the civic, a deep soulful fear of things you don't understand, and a type of absolute confidence in your constructions which disallow the introduction of information which contradicts your suspicions, fears and confidences.

A whole other flavor of conservative believes in something called "free market capitalism". They believe in this concept so fully that they will conspire with other citizens who may or may not share their belief in order to create a coalition to with the triumph of the will to maintain the disemination of the construct.

You and I know Republicanism is not a uniform belief system. It isn't even necessarily the conservative party in America. I know, I know, the democrats aren't really the liberal party, but look this isn't about them, this is about you. The Republican party is only a collection of people who are not liberal. It is a negative project by defining itself not by the sundry hypocracies that stand in as campaign promises but as the anti-Democratic party.

This collection of anti-democrats end up being America's greedy and America's ignorant. The ignorant, would they give thier environment a second thought would realize the fantastic screw job they've been getting since at least LBJ gave them a choice between their own economic interest and really rolling up their sleves and letting thier fear of brown people set the agenda for a generation of crackers. The greedy would gladly sodomize their own grandmother if they thought it would eliminate the capital gains tax.

These identities, the fear of the ignorant and the avarice of the greedy are intrinsically tied. The greedy capitalize (as they're want to do in all occasions) on the irrational particulars of the ignorant at every turn. In short, the Republican party cannot exist if the ignorant do not believe the greedy are the leaders of their campaign to spread reductive puritanism and identify new targets for the externalization of thier personal shortcomings.

The greedy know this. They know unemployment isn't related to illegal immigrants or welfare, or any other bullshit idea. But the greedy have to maintain all myths that maintain and grow the coalition.

Let's end with this for today, and I want you to think about it after you go home. Your friends and loved ones care about you and want you to evaluate your life. We want you to stop what you're doing and come to your senses.


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