"I'm from the libertarian wing of the party." William Weld on Morning Joe 11/25/2008
Ask any conservative dousche why they're still a republican and you're going to get a response like this. William is not necessarily a dousche but the stock response does remind us that republicanism was never, ever about conservativism, it has always been about coalition building in the service of consolidation of power. I'd never even heard of William Weld before this morning, but he's struck a nerve so I'm going to work out my frustration with some very silly mythologies through him.
I'll get back to this. But let me say as a jumping off point, as disappointed as I am that there seem to be no liberals in Obama's cabinet so far there are economists are specialists. This is a step up from the Republican theocracy that we've lived with for the last eight years.
Here's a list of some liberal positions we will not see with Obama:
1) minimum wage=living wage.
2) single payer universal healthcare.
3) immediate withdrawl from Iraq.
4) policies that promote unions. By the way, number 1 on this list makes number 4 at lot easier.
5) much more restrictive federal regulations on commodities trading, which would remove the spectre of speculation from the foundational markets of the economy.
6) elimination of tax exempt status for churches [some of you know I'd probably loose my job if this happened]
7) war crimes investigations concerning the invasion of Iraq, Gitmo and related "terrorist detention facilitites" around the world.
8) two state solution at the '67 borders
9) end of corporate personhood, revolving around the revisitation of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific.
10) the end of non-salaried executive compensation systems.
You will see none of these 10 things in the next 4 years.