There is an insidious undercurrent in contemporary conservativism that manifests itself in daily e-mails. Despite the popular view that FOX, The Washington Post, etc. are the key distributors of conservative talking points, they, and media outlets like them are actually only billboards for the immediate manifestation of the Republican party. The truely dangerous messages get passed around at the grass roots level of the conservative diaspora, and gain thier popularity and credibility through the perception of thier origin in the populace.
We all get emails from conservative friends, co-workers, relatives, etc., and I know my standard response is, in this order: skim, get angry, start a response, decide responding would be fruitless, and go get some coffee. But perhaps instead of passing on the response to the sender we can come together and disect these e-epistles that get passed around, and see where the right goes wrong at the grassroots level. The big boys, Air America, Move On, they've got Fox covered.
So here the Peoples Liberation Frontpage is dedicated to an attempt at critical analysis of these emails. I will not be publishing the names or accounts of the orignators, but I do welcome submissions of conservative emails for disection.